Meet the robinsons song I mean

Meet the robinsons song

I mean wow, meet the robinsons song liked dancer, Kiku likes dancer, god, this must be some kind of Anyway, Im sorry, now i shall go and make a pointless list for you Was there ever a DVD that you saw where the packaging was very slightly ripped in the corner? Im always getting moaned at by Taxi and all the other board owners to not go over the top or insult but when you lot do it, its passable. I liked Dancer yes, I said it wasnt a personal favourite, and when I feel the need to defend certain points about the film I will, and believe it or not, more than one person liked the film!!! SHOCK, SHOCK, HORROR I see some people liked Charlies Angels, haha, so what though! Stop the mean bashing Saraswati. I dont see the fairness in it. I actually LOVED Dancer in the Dark, even though Im not particulary fond of elevating experimental films as elitistic art. I would rather see Jurassic Park five times than one Andy Warhole movie a meet the robinsons song time. Just because Dancer in the Dark is made by a certain person with a certain reputation, doesnt mean it should be trashed automatically; every movie is worth at least one viewing. If one dont like it, tough. This message has been edited by Lightivity edited 07-10-200 Well, Im trying not to bash people as much as I used to, all I can say is that my preference in film is for art, thats not to say I cant enjoy something in the mainstream entertainment category, to which I do now and again, but I prefer films which break rules, have a higher experimentation with mise-en-scene, especially when it comes to the shallow characters movies whereby mise-en-scene is usually symmetrical in conveying the mood of the protagonist or characters etc, meet the robinsons song I dont like this stuff because Im told to, or because I want to be a part of a certain group of snobbish elitists, fuck that, I enjoy those movies because I do, basically, thats my choice, thats my taste. Anyway, enough of the bad Kevin Costner speeches I didnt think that saraswatis comments could have been considered insulting. She thinks youre MV, I think shes wrong, but shes entitled to her beliefs. Ive stated at least a couple times on the forum that KikuchiyoCM is not Mahavishnu, but it appears that most folks around here consider what I say to be of little or no value. And now, to bring this tragically boring case of whos who back around to the topic at Ive not seen Dancer in the Dark, and I dont really plan on it. It sounds like the kind of movie I wouldnt get into. Maybe someday when I have absolutely nothing else to watch, Ill give it a rent. Who knows? This message has been edited by Taxi edited 07-10-200 the main reason i have my suspicions is that, often, when mahavishnu is mentioned, kikuchio will come into the thread and add his her 2 cents. though he/she rarely ever posts otherwise. also, if mahavishnu is around and there is some debate going on that he is on the losing end of, often kiku will come chime in that he/she agrees. and there has been at least once that mahavishnu was banned and, WITHIN HOURS kiku was on the scene, arguing the same point maha was before being banned. kiku, if you are mahavishnu, whatever, i dont care. if you arent mahavishnu, i dont care either. it was just a half joking observation. in fact, your reaction to my non-inflammatory post makes me think you probably are, due to a the lady doth protest too much kind of thing. anyway, i honestly dont care whether you liked dancer or not, and i dont want to get into another argument about it. i didnt say anything particularly insulting, either. also, i have never jumped down your throat about disliking a film i liked, or vice versa. you are free to make your own choices and have your own tastes, its no skin off my teeth. in fact, i like an interesting debate far more than a silly list or complaining about trivial things like edge enhancement anyday.

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