Mortal kombat annihilation part 4

Mortal kombat annihilation part 4 They need the support, poor fellas. So folding junkie, ya wanna be my butt buddy for the evening since we make such a great team? Me and Vietone had a one-nighter last night and my ass really hurts. Hey! you werent supposed to keep our relationship on the down low. Folding Junkie is a dumbfuk. A very worthless, yet overly determined dumbfuk. Why is he trying so hard? Doesnt he know lying about blu ray is best left to the professionals at the blu ray association? I like folding protien. My PS3 is mortal kombat annihilation part 4 best at it. I watch it all day while my mom yells at me to get a job. I wish I could work for the blu ray association, as I am an accomplished liar. Aww look I have an imitator! How nice and flatering that someone actually has to PRETEND to be me to get some attention! You are a child and need to have mortal kombat annihilation part 4 time off the grow up. In Holland and all over Europe Japan is a plus Blue-Ray is kicking HD-DVDs butt. Thats what matters, not whats hapenning over there in the USA. Boy, you really got me with that one! I am so sad that I may just go away forever. You know so much more than anybody in the whole world! You are so smart! I only wish that I could be like you. Now that the sarcasm is over I have a very simple question for you. Did you even hit puberty yet? I have met some very childish people in my life but NEVER have I met anyone over 14 that would do that. Ever! You are a lout. I would like to just ignore but you simpletons never seem to be anything but an anonymous cowards with undescended testes. Therefore I dont have any idea who you are because all that you and your infantile cronies can do when facing someone who is capable of backing their opinions with fact you resort to the only thing that you know which is vulgarity, toilet humor, and homosexual references. Grow a pair, log in, and then come back you wretched little moron. You are impersonating me again! You must really like me! Thanks for the laughs. The games suck at the moment, but so did the xbox 360 games do at the beginning. And what can PS3 owners look forward to? MGS4, FFXIII, Lair, Heavenly Sword, DMC4 etc. So you call PS3 a bad machine? Grow up. The only thing 360 has is Halo 3 and Gears of War. This dude is outrageous. M lost last gen, thats the side you choose? The losers, dosent make much sense. You bought a next-gen console that has the same space restrictions with playable media as the last gen consoles. Now thats just stupid. Going on the internet in a vain attempt to influence others into making the same mistake, Thats just sad. Forcing yourself to make fanboy comments about a subject that dosent concern you, we all know High-def is not important to you, thus you bought a 3 Whne you enter the world of high-def come back and comment, until then go suck Bill Gates d1ck. HEre we go again. You are attacking sony on ethical grounds now, huh. Yeah Micro soft never strong-arms people into buying anything, lollol. Its not like they make you buy windows for your computer by rendering the version you own obsolete even though it works fine. Or the fact that he stole the idea for windows, so basiclly the whole company is founded in deceit. I doubt you think that much about your buying decisions, if you did you wouldnt own anything. you and others show just how much fanboyism you call it greed and call me a SONY profit tool. when its any company would do the same thing just ask TOSHIBA.

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