The blue max trailer Still

The blue max trailer

Still, most parents did not want to forget what had happened. My relatives had the babys remains cremated and placed in a specially decorated box along with all the notes, letters and mementos people had sent; the box is kept in their bedroom. But some parents were reluctant to talk about their experience because of the stigma that surrounds the topic of abortion. So when they most needed support, many parents felt isolated. As one said, There is a time early on when you think youre the only person in the world whos ever been through something so terrible. Another said: I think in our minds there would be judging, but also we wouldnt get that sympathy and we definitely needed it. We lost a child. Common among the parents interviewed was a loss of innocence, a feeling of helplessness and a sense that somehow they were less than whole. Their devastation affected their relationships with others, including each other, although ultimately, the researchers reported, most parents talked about how surviving the experience made their relationship stronger. The parents had a hard time believing misfortune the blue max trailer not strike again. One said, The numbers dont mean squat once youve been the one in how many thousand people that this will happen to. Now sensitized to a negative outcome, parents tended to hold back and not become as emotionally involved in a subsequent pregnancy. Instead they encased themselves in emotional armor to have the blue max trailer strength and courage needed to face the possibility of another termination decision, the researchers found. Many delayed becoming attached to the baby in a later pregnancy until they felt confident that everything would be And while in the previous pregnancy they dared to dream and hope for the perfect child, now they only wanted a living child. Hopes mother, for example, had envisioned her as a fabulous baby, precocious 2-year-old, adventurous child, challenging teen and growing up with many of her fathers qualities generous, kind-hearted, beautiful inside and out. I hoped that she would get some of my qualities too. I had already pictured her birth, pool parties, mother/daughter shopping escapades, graduation day, and her wedding. I planned my entire life with her in it. After becoming pregnant again, most of the parents interviewed by the nurses chose to keep the pregnancy a secret until tests showed that the baby appeared normal. Some even had difficulty acknowledging the pregnancy to themselves, and the prospect of being reassured by other people that everything would be this time made it more difficult to tell others about the pregnancy. The researchers wrote, Unknowing people sometimes pried, leaving parents hurting and vulnerable. Many parents felt comfortable only when discussing their current pregnancy with health professionals, and they greatly appreciated the extra hand-holding and more frequent sonograms and doctor visits they received. Also helpful was connecting with others who had been through similar experiences, through support groups organized by hospitals, or on the Internet. One such Web site is /. The researchers emphasized that it is crucial for the blue max trailer family members, friends and health professionals alike to recognize the mental anguish that nearly always follows a medically prompted decision to end a pregnancy and to avoid making dismissive comments like its a good thing you were able to find out about the abnormality before the baby was born and giving false reassurances that it wont happen again.

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