The mission movie trailer NOT

The mission movie trailer

NOT 1 story about a PS3 having to be send back to SONY 3xs due to Yellow Ring of Death. Googled Red Ring of Death 989, 0 If the machine is freezing, whether turning it on and off fixes it indicates a defect, maybe now its not an issue, but how long until it does fail? Stop the mission movie trailer a farking fanboy and realize that as long as hardware is made by humans there will be problems. Thats too funny, man. You should be a comedian. Like we didnt know this was coming. DVD-9 just isnt enought room for newer games and HD-DVD is dead. Lets see, we can use an existing optical format that can hold up to 200GB theoretically, or create a brand new proprietary format just for our games. My money is on the 360 getting a BD add-on. I thought is would never happen but obviously it will now. Get over it HD-DVD fan boys, I have. Bring on the BD games I say. Of course if they had any brains, it would play games and movies and save people from having to buy a set top BD player. Microsoft and Toshiba should have spent a lot more money on advertising and tours if they wanted HD-DVD to win. Why wouldnt Microsoft do whatever they needed to do to win, like pay Warner off? Dumb asses. Now we are stuck with one format they will price fix the mission movie trailer years to get thier lost billions back. Why wouldnt Microsoft do whatever they needed to do to win, like pay Warner off? They didnt need HD-DVD to win like Sony needed Blu-Ray to win. Thatd be my guess. They supported HD-DVD, invested in it, but ultimately, they didnt have all of their eggs in the hd-dvd basket. Anyone here realize that MS does not care what Hardware is in the 3 In fact they would not mind if someone else built the 3 All MS wants and will ever be is a Software company. In this case the software is the GAMES! For all, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, there is really no Or I should say Profit in the Consoles themselves. It is all in the Software Games and Accessories! If MS was smart, they would put the Drive in the 360 and not on the side of it. An External Drive is simply going to make the 360 More expensive unit to buy. MS was not taking advantage on a HD Drive for game which would have been good 30GB Discs!. Just imaging the mission movie trailer games like Gears of War and Halo would have been like given a 50GB Disc to put them on. MS never planned to use the HD Drive as a game benefit, they just saw it as an accessory to sell and because it was the opposite of Sony, that is the simple reason they went with it. And for those SonyPS3 haters, 360 has a much larger library of games, but until you have seen the PS3 play on an HDTV, you are really missing out. Dont knock it until you try it and that goes for a BLU-RAY in the 360 too! If MS was smart, they would put the Drive in the 360 and not on the side of it. An External Drive is simply going to make the 360 More expensive unit to buy. You dont know what you are talking about. I think MS make a great move by making it as an add on. It lower their expenses and the customers. It also increase their profit margin.

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