The getaway movie scenes Make your opponent feel

The getaway movie scenes Make your opponent feel embarrassed, for example by saying something about his hair. Dont get down on yourself if you dont win the first few times, you have to practice, nobodys good when they are the getaway movie scenes starting Smash them with punchlines. Lyricism is important, but usually three or four punchlines will make sure you win. Like anything else, practice makes perfect. Stick with it and youre on your way. Dont battle anyone who you think will become violent if you win. Be confident, and make sure to NEVER copy someone elses lyrics, no matter how horrible you might think your lyrics are. 2010 2011 RapMonster, all rights reserved Heem started the match implying that he hate dirty people and pointing at Nameless. He claimed that he would smack him and made height jokes on him comparing him to a dutch. He implied having a gun the size of Jus One. Nameless then went into spit and claimed Heem is a dumb fuck. He then claimed his adversary need help and had no delivery. He claimed his rival was a the getaway movie scenes who thought he was a Muslim. This round of the exhibition was a tie in my opinion. In the second round of the rhyme battle Heem went into spit and claimed that after hearing Nameless last verse he was wondering why he should keep on spitting. He then claimed his rivals life was like a made up movie and getting called by truancy. Nameless then went into the match talking about Heem s daughter. He then brought up stainless and claimed his rival works with the New York Times. He didnt rhyme enough. Heem won this round of the cypher In the third round of the cypher Heem went into rhyme and claimed Nameless couldnt handle the Stainless. He then tried to imply that his rival was a bum and claimed he had a Taliban of bars to mer him. He even ha a quotable punchline as well. Nameless then wet into the getaway movie scenes and claimed Heem didnt have any punchlines an was off topic. He then claimed his adversary tried to start a Facebook argument and claimed that he himself was from of the realest families to ever swarm the city of Syracuse.

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