The primal fear trailer For

The primal fear trailer

For this to happen though, bandwidth would have to increase dramatically, both on cellular networks and wire-based ones. Personally, I dont like sharing all my stuff with the rest of the world like that i agree, physical memory is going away fast!. Its about time, but the blank discs still too expensive to make it worthwhile. 50gig blu-ray disc needs to cost no more than 10 in order to make sense. I rather back it up on multiple hard discs that today run pretty cheap. Plus I agree that Apple is focusing on downloads rather than physical discs. So it seems they are in no hurry to provide BR-R to consumers. As for Blu-ray player only, it would be welcome. Thats what people said about CD-Rs. It has to start out expensive My question is, and maybe some of you might know this? Will quicktime after this update use the GPU to decode the H264 stuff or will it still be software based decoding. can someone pls confirm, when will macbooks be out?? Im very pleased to at last be able to confirm once and for all that new macbooks will be released later. could this mean new cinema displays as well?It could mean that ACDs are going same road than Once almighty Steve says that Blu-ray will be included to Macs and in his typical style tells how awesome it is and how good 1080p looks, most people here will start to support Blu-ray. Until that happens, its the same old Apple doesnt support it yet, so it isnt cool story. Wirelessly posted iPhone: Mozilla/ 0 iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 21 like Mac OS X; en-us AppleWebKit/ 1 KHTML, like Gecko Version/ 1 Mobile/5F136 Safari/ 20 I have been wondering when they were going to do this. I cant wait to the primal fear trailer Blu-Ray drives in new Macs. Once almighty Steve says that Blu-ray will be included to Macs and in his typical style tells how awesome it is and how good 1080p looks, most people here will start to support Blu-ray. Until that happens, its the same old Apple doesnt support it yet, so it isnt cool story. dont get me wrong. i LOVE the quality of bluray movies. i just HATE media. HDs are perfect because you can take one thing with you and have instant access to many movies. all at the click of a button. Hoo-rah. Id at least like to be able to get an external reader to just use something like HandBrake to get mah durn movies on iTunes. Not ready to blow another 2000 on a new MBP just for BD support. I am also still astonished at the level of stupidity on the primal fear trailer subject. 1 Blu-ray Disc. I know its hard to remember because its only, like, everywhere, but get on the truck. Its not Blue Ray. There is no E in the damn name. Never has been, never will be. Ya look stupid when you dont even know the name of the product youre slamming stupid Windoes!. 2 Downloads arent going to kill optical media anytime soon. I can buy a 50-disc set of DVD-Rs for about 5GBx50250GB. I spent 90 for a My Passport 250GB external hard drive ON SALE. Therefore, I spent 80 extra for the same storage space. Optical media will probably be around for a LOOOONG time. BD-R discs are expensive just like CD-R and DVD-R discs were the primal fear trailer they first came out. At first BD-Rs were 20 each. Theyre now under 10 some as low as Also, dont forget that not everybody by a longshot has broadband Internet. Even if you do, its s-l-o-w to download even a 720p movie.

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